Do you love BIRTH? Do you long to serve women during pregnancy, birth and postpartum? Would you like to have a practical skill to use in your community? This workshop will introduce you to how doula work can be used as a tool to serve women in a life-impacting way throughout the world and in every community. Our focus is both the physical aspect of doula work alongside the advocacy role doulas are required to step into during this day and age where the birth rights of women are constantly challenged.
Simply put, doulas change birth outcomes.

Having a doula present at birth can lower the risk of cesarean, unnecessary induction methods as well as the use of pain medications significantly. Doula attended births have proven to help mothers have better birth experiences overall and research has shown the presence of a doula can also reduce the time a woman labors up to 25%. You can become part of the solution to one of the most desperate needs of our day and help change accepted cultural norms. Our workshop encompasses the most important aspects and skills that you will need as a doula and gives you the confidence to begin working in whatever community you find yourself in. Join us and learn how to support women during pregnancy, labor and the postpartum period.

Doula Workshop to Include:
What is a Doula and How do Doulas Change Birth Outcomes
Comfort Measures
Relaxation and Breathing Techniques
Labor and Birth Positions
Rebozo Techniques
Advocacy, Birth Politics and Birth Right
The cost of this course is $350 which includes all coursework materials including your GoMidwife Doula Manual. In addition to completion of the week, participants planning to apply for the GoMidwife Doula Certification will need to complete the certification process and accompanying assignments.
Next Workshop
All doula workshops are currently being held on-line via independent study.
Register Here
Unless we ourselves are unable to fill the workshop and have to cancel then there are absolutely no refunds given for any reason. If we are unable to fill the workshop you will receive a full refund. Supplies are purchased and speakers secured based on registrations.