“If you touch them with gentle hands, they will know it is Me.”— Beth DeFrance, CPM

Pastoral care is a form of spiritual and emotional support offered to guide individuals through life's challenges and provide care for the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. In midwifery, this concept can be adapted to nurture the emotional and spiritual well-being of midwives, who often bear immense responsibility and stress while caring for others.

As midwives, we are trained to touch with gentle hands and to offer tender care to the mothers we are privileged to serve. We help them navigate one of the most vulnerable and transformative experiences of their lives—childbirth. However, in the midst of this sacred duty, we often neglect to offer ourselves or our fellow midwives that same level of care and compassion. The work of a midwife is physically demanding and emotionally intense, and the cumulative weight of these responsibilities can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and even emotional detachment.

This pastoral care program aims to provide "soul care" for midwives—nurturing not just the hands and minds, but the hearts of those who serve. The essence of this program is to "midwife the midwife," recognizing that the heart and spirit of the midwife are central to her ability to care for others. Just as we help mothers to birth their babies, we must help midwives to process their own emotional and spiritual burdens, providing them the space to reflect, heal, and renew their sense of purpose.

Burnout is particularly common among young midwives and even midwifery students who are just beginning their journey. The weight of expectations, long hours, and emotional demands can often lead to feelings of overwhelm, isolation, and disillusionment. Without support, midwives may struggle to sustain themselves in a profession that demands so much of their time, energy, and emotional reserves.

The Gentle Hands Pastoral Care Program for Midwives seeks to prevent burnout by cultivating a community where midwives feel supported, heard, and cared for. The program focuses on several key components:

  1. Emotional Support and Debriefing: Creating regular spaces where midwives can debrief after challenging births or situations, sharing their experiences without judgment. This provides an opportunity for them to release the emotional weight they carry and avoid internalizing their stress or grief.
  2. Self-Care Practices: Teaching midwives practical tools for self-care, including techniques to manage stress, set boundaries, and maintain a work-life balance. This might include mindfulness, breath work, journaling, or taking time for personal reflection and rest.
  3. Spiritual Nurture: Offering spiritual guidance and opportunities for midwives to reconnect with the deeper, sacred aspects of their work. Whether through prayer, meditation, or reflective practices, this aspect of the program helps midwives to stay grounded and connected to their sense of purpose.
  4. Peer Support Networks: Building a strong community of midwives who can support one another, not only professionally but also personally. Peer mentorship and support can create bonds of trust and solidarity, reminding midwives that they are not alone in their struggles.
  5. Training on Compassionate Care for Self and Others: Fostering a culture within midwifery that emphasizes self-compassion and the importance of caring for one another as we care for our clients. By treating ourselves and our colleagues with the same kindness and empathy we offer to the mothers we serve, we can sustain ourselves in the long term.

Through this program, midwives are reminded that their emotional and spiritual health is just as important as their physical and professional competence. It is not enough to be technically skilled and knowledgeable; the heart of the midwife must be tended to as well. Only when we care for ourselves with the same love and intention that we offer to others can we continue to serve with joy, energy, and a sense of fulfillment.

In essence, our program is about ensuring that midwives remain whole and well, both in their professional and personal lives. It seeks to preserve the passion, heart, and spirit of the midwife by fostering an environment of compassion, reflection, and mutual care.

Schedule a Pastoral Care Session with Beth DeFrance, CPM

Schedule a Peer Support Session with

Schedule an Individual Birth Debrief with Amy Kirbow, CPM, LM

Schedule a Group Birth Debrief with Amy Kirbow, CPM, LM

Attend our Pastoral Care Retreat