Welcome to our Midwifery Skills Workshop, an immersive and hands-on learning experience designed to elevate your clinical competence. Throughout this workshop, you'll engage in skill simulations and real-world scenarios that will challenge and refine your ability to manage critical midwifery tasks. Each session is tailored to provide practical, scenario-based training, allowing you to apply your knowledge in a controlled environment.
To ensure the highest standards of education, a NARM-qualified preceptor(s) will be present on-site to observe, guide, and assess your proficiency in each skill. This workshop is an invaluable opportunity to not only practice essential techniques but also to gain feedback from experienced professionals dedicated to your success as a student midwife. We encourage you to take full advantage of this time to ask questions, seek guidance, and immerse yourself in the learning process.
Skills Workshop: July 7-10, 2025
Where: Bozeman, Montana
Registration: $25
Cost of In-Person Workshop: $450
NRP: July 11, 2025
Cost of OOH NRP: $200 (does not include the online test)
Combined Skills Workshop and NRP Discount: $600

We will cover many of the hands on skills needed to attend prenatal, birth and postpartum as a skilled apprentice including, but not limited to:
How to set an IV
Maternal Vitals
Fetal Heart Tones including AAT
IM and Medication
Drawing Sterile Water Papules
Introduction to Suturing
Placing a Urinary Catheter
Cervical Exam and PAP

Our scenarios will include, but are not limited to:
Managing Shoulder Dystocia
Breech Birth
Newborn Exam
Managing a PPH
Managing a Retained Placenta

Session 1: Prenatal Skills
Fundal Height Measurement:
Accurate measuring techniques
Leopold’s Maneuvers:
Palpation techniques to determine fetal position and presentation
Fetal Heart Tones:
Using a Doppler and fetoscope
Blood Pressure and Urinalysis:
Techniques for accurate blood pressure measurement
Techniques for drawing labs

Session 2: Labor and Birth Skills
Facilitating the use of gravity for optimal fetal descent
Vaginal Exams: (optional)
Finding the cervix
Techniques for minimizing discomfort
Non-Medical Pain Relief Techniques:
Rebozo use for labor support
Hydrotherapy setup and use
Positioning for comfort and progression of labor
Birth Positions:
Assisting with various birth positions (e.g. all fours, side-lying, squatting)
Drawing and Giving Medications
Normal Birth Scenarios

Session 3: Emergency Skills (Part 1)
Manual removal of the placenta
Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP): Basic scenarios and does not include certification, NRP certification is on May 19th
Airway management (suctioning and positioning)
Bag-valve-mask ventilation techniques
Chest compressions and emergency protocols
Shoulder Dystocia Management:
McRoberts maneuver and suprapubic pressure
Gaskin maneuver and rotational techniques
Delivery of posterior arm (Jacquemier’s maneuver)
Hemorrhage Control:
Bimanual compression of the uterus
Administration of uterotonic drugs (e.g. oxytocin, misoprostol)

Session 4: Emergency Skills (Part 2)
Use of local anesthesia for repair
Breech Birth Management:
Hands-off the breech technique
Maneuvers for breech delivery (e.g. Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit, Lovset)
Managing cord prolapse and nuchal arms
Cord Prolapse Management:
Relieving pressure on the cord
Techniques for elevating the presenting part
Emergency transport protocols
Suturing Techniques:
Suturing first- and second-degree tears
Perineal repair with interrupted and running sutures

Session 5: Postpartum Skills
Placental Examination:
Inspecting for completeness and abnormalities
Understanding placental structure and variations (e.g. succenturiate lobe, velamentous insertion)
Identifying signs of placental abruption or previa
Newborn Examination:
APGAR scoring and reflex assessments
Measuring and charting newborn vitals and anthropometrics (weight, length, head circumference)

Session 6: Professional Development and Case Scenarios
- Simulated Birth Scenarios:
- Role-playing different birth scenarios, including low-risk and high-risk situations
- Decision-making under pressure and effective communication
- Documentation and charting practice
- Client Interaction Drills:
- Managing challenging conversations (e.g. discussing risks, navigating cultural differences)
- Informed consent scenarios and shared decision-making
- Conflict resolution with clients and families
- Review of Skills:
- Hands-on practice with feedback from peers and instructors
- Q&A and troubleshooting specific skill challenges
- Developing confidence and competence through repetition and mastery
These sessions focus on the essential hands-on skills that a student midwife needs, ensuring that participants gain practical experience in both routine and emergency situations.

Out of Hospital Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) certification can be added onto this workshop for an additional price of $250. (This price does not include online testing.)
Register and Pay Tuition
Pay Tuition if Already Registered
Space is limited so register and pay soon to secure your spot.
If we are unable to fill the class or it is cancelled then a full refund will be rendered, otherwise please note here all purchases are final and no refunds are rendered for any other reason.